I was struck by the commitment of the terrorists. The movie began with Muslim prayer. As their deed dastardly unfolded, the movie depicted the terrorists in prayer. It depicted the reality of what they consider Jihad, a holy war against infidels. I'm reminded of the Apostle Paul's persecution of the followers of the Way, believing that he was doing God's will.
Oh that the Muslim world might come to know the God of the Bible, a God who loved the world so much that He sent His only son to sacrifice himself, so that He might redeem those who live under the curse of hatred.
Cubs Baseball. I'm getting pretty depressed with the Cubbies. They say there is a fine line between love and hatred. Will I ever hate the Cubs? Probably not! To paraphrase something my Mom taught me (she will be shuddering at the thought of what I will write next--you see, she is one of the four readers of this blog), "No, I don't hate the Cubs. I just hate what they do!"
Kerry Wood had a good rehab outing on Sunday, pitching for the Peoria Chiefs. He is scheduled to pitch on Friday for the Iowa Cubs. I hope that he is healthy.
Immigration. The country's debate on illegal immigration is certainly not over. I deal with Spanish-speaking people from the 4-state area frequently. Later today I will be translating for one. Some of those that I deal with are legal immigrants, some are illegal. My heart goes out to them. I was amused by a cartoon that I saw in our local newspaper. It was by Bruce Beattie. I highlighted the punch line, a sad commentary indeed on the attitude of some:
1 comment:
Thanks for your kind comment. And I appreciate you stopping by and reading. I started blogging with a little hesitation. Our generation is not as prone to transparency as the generation of today's students. I've also begun to read quite a few blogs--those of family members and friends, and some more serious ones as well. Scads of our students have sites at Xanga or at MySpace. So many of those seem to be superficial, though.
I've enjoyed doing it, and I'm totally random about my posts. Thanks for stopping by.
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