Sunday, December 11, 2005

UNL, Penguins and Grandsons

This semester I am enrolled in my last required course for the Ph.D in Educational Studies and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Next semester, I'll actually be enrolled in another course titled Dissertation Proposal, but I don't count that as a required "course", since I will be working on my own dissertation. I worked hard all day yesterday on a final paper/project and got it posted late last night (Saturday). That feels good, because it is actually due by midnight tomorrow night, so I got it done two days early. I woke up early Saturday, however, because I had a bad dream, that I got my final grade for this course, and it was a "D"! Horror! I guess that's not a dream. It's a nightmare!

I did some posting this afternoon to the course website of some journal articles I had found helpful during the semester. Then with my family, I took some down time to watch the movie, The March of the Penguins. My son's family (including two small grandsons) went to a cheap theater in Brownsville, TX where they live a couple weeks ago and watched it. The 3-year old liked it, but the 1+ year old wasn't too excited about it. So . . . as soon as the movie was finished, I got the cell phone out and called Texas. I wanted to talk to Nathan (the 3 year old) about the movie, and he told me that he had already seen it "at the movie theater." Then he went on and on about something in the movie, but though his speech was fluent, I really couldn't understand what he was saying about it.

Since I'm writing about my grandsons, I think I'll post a photo of them:

Nathan is on the left, and Eli is on the right. The other grandparents will be driving to Brownsville this Friday, where they will be spending about a week (we made the 15+ hour drive for Thanksgiving). Those boys make us want to travel there frequently. Rose (my wife) and I will fly down there on Dec. 30, returning Jan. 2. Next Sunday Nathan will sing in the children's choir program at their church. They are putting on a program called Angel Alert, and I think Nathan will sing in two different songs. The children's choir at College Hts. Christian Church in Joplin presented the same musical this evening. We heard them do one song in the morning service.

When we return to Brownsville, I will preach at the Spanish service on New Year's Day. I enjoyed preaching there the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

Well, my Greek I class has their semester final exam in the morning. The last sentence I will ask them to translate is pretty clever:

νῦν ἐλεύσομεθα πρὸς τοὺς οἴκους ἡμῶν.

I imagine what they will plan to do when they get there will be to go back to bed!

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